Video Indexing Report : Google Announced New Search Console

Video Indexing Report : Google Announced New Search Console

This complete article all about Video Indexing Report:

Learn about this new google video indexing report and it’s benefit.

As we know Google used to bring updates every day in its system. Google want to provide better experience for user.

So last month in July Google brought new update in Google search console. Google announced the new search console video indexing report.

There are so many creators who use videos on their webpage. This new video indexing tool will help for people to discover and watch your content.

It will help you to understand the performance of your videos and where you need to improvement to index your video on Google.

Google search console has been launched new report tool called “Video Indexing”.  This updates will roll out over the new few months.

What is Video Indexing Report?

Google search console video indexing Report shows your video indexing status on Google.  If you have used any video on you website then Google automatically detect video then video indexing report will appear in left menu bar in coverage section.

If you have not used any video in your website then you may not able to see video indexing report.

What will show you Video Indexing Report?

Here is video indexing report example

This Report will show you following these types of results in Google search console.

  • In how many pages you have been used Video
  • Which video has been Indexed successfully
  • And, Is there any issued Google not indexed your video on Google

If there will be any video indexing issues found on your site, then you can easily find those issues. Simply you can fix those issues.

Inspect your Specific video of webpage

You were already familiar about this URL Inspection tool, if not so no worry. This URL inspections tool help you to check status any URL of your website.

It means suppose you have published article on your site and you don’t have any idea is it indexed on Google or not?

So this URL Inspection tool will show you the status of your any website. If URL having any issues then you can easily get problem, and simply you can fix the problem.

If Google found your video on Google then you will see following results:

  • You will see Video and Thumbnail URL
  • Page status is it visible or not on Google search results.
  • Showing the indexing issues not indexed on Google.

Note: This will not apply for live testing

Final Thoughts

This is new Google search console update will give your more better experience in Google search engine.

If you have any kind of doubts related to video indexing report. You can leave a comment and ask your doubt.

If you know something better then please share in comment box and spread with our community.


what is video indexing?

Video Indexing shows video status which are available on your site. If crawler found any video on your webpage then crawler will detect your video and index ( store ) in its’ database.

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